Welcome to SketchUp, Vray and other Resources
Everyone is capable of learning. Learning is part of life. It is a social process of living and bringing everyone to share their inherited resources and discoveries. All of us can influence the life of others through sharing and caring. It is our belief that everyone should be a lifelong learner.
I am putting very important visualization resources and series: tutorials, tips, tricks, VRAY materials and settings, and mini-the-making (MTM) processes.
Tutorial: Leaf Transparency
This is another tutorial from Eugenio Sorokovoy aka 40th. How to create the translucency of the leaves.
Here is another Tutorial of him which he originally shared at SKetchup Vray Artists Facebook Group
When I found this 'effect' and tried it for myself, I thought why not share it? We all know that leafs aren't opaque.
Real leaf example
Real Leaf |
Open Material Editor and Create Double sided material |
That's it! now render and see the difference.
Examples below.
Where are the pictures?