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Welcome to SketchUp, Vray and other Resources

Everyone is capable of learning. Learning is part of life. It is a social process of living and bringing everyone to share their inherited resources and discoveries. All of us can influence the life of others through sharing and caring. It is our belief that everyone should be a lifelong learner.

I am putting very important visualization resources and series: tutorials, tips, tricks, VRAY materials and settings, and mini-the-making (MTM) processes.



Saturday, 29 June 2013

Grass workflow and VRAY Proxy by David Brufau

This latest tutorial comes from David Brufau aka dBrenders. In this tutorial David shows his workflow from modeling, texturing and scattering using SketchUp. Finally using the latest VRay Beta 1.6, David shows the power of the new proxy feature.

Here is the diffuse texture

You can also download the following files courtesy of David Brufau.

VRAY Mesh simple
Vray Mesh complex
SketchUp File, use the latest SketchUp Version


  1. Hello !! Very good the tutorial!! Can you upload the file to a more old version? Thanks!!!

  2. honestly its better to follow the tutorial rather than relying on the model.

  3. i couldnt keep up with the turorial cause i cant read the letters of your setting and how you do the scattering and how you made a big lawn

  4. Thank you for sharing to this inspiring tutorial... keep it up always sir Nomer!! god bless always and your family.... :)

  5. when i tried to render it.. its shows me a white blank image...???

  6. NICE TUT! how did you sctter the grass blades? did you use a plugin?

  7. Wow guys, This is really really great information about Grass Mesh but i want to say that guys if you want to make your home garden more stylish so you should visit now our website and purchase our Grass Mesh at low rate
