
Saturday 2 February 2013

Visopt Series by Leo Valenzuela

Here is our next Visopt courtesy of Leo Valenzuela. Download it HERE.


  1. I'm using Skp 8 and VRay 1.48.91 in windows 7 64bit OS.
    The problem is there are some settings in VRay options that uneditable. For example:
    - I can't change the value of size_multiplier and sky brightness in Texsky in GI and BG environment.
    - I can't change the value of Primary Engine in Indirect Illumination.
    - I can't change the value of DMC Sampler and Color Mapping.
    And there some more options that uneditable.
    Can you help me please? I've tried reinstall the Skp and VRay, but nothing change, it's still the same.
