
Sunday 12 February 2012

Basic Vray Sketchup Tutorial Series 2

Hello! Here is Nomeradona again. I want to welcome you with my second segment of this Basic VRAY SketchUp Tutorial Series. In case you missed the first part you can access it HERE


In years of visualization, there are many workflow that helped me in managing my scenes and saving rendering time. Once I am satisfied with lighting, I don't immediately jump with material settings. I normally do this next important part; "Saving my Irradiance and Light Cache maps.

Step 1: Low settings for other settings except for my primary and secondary engines.

The first step is bringing down all the other settings except for the primary and secondary engines. First I enable (ticked) the "Override Materials" in the Global Switches except the glass material. (see the first segment of this series how I do this.)

The image sampler. 

This is the single parameter that can make your render quick and absolutely days if you want. In this tab, I either use Adaptive Subdivision (when less blurry materials, DOF and soft shadows). I maintain the Min-rate at -1 and further bring down the Max Rate to -2 or even -3. Then the anti-aliasing filter is not enable (unticked).

I also use Adaptive DMC for my image sampler (if the scene has many soft shadow, blurry reflections and DOF). I maintain the Min Subdivision to 1 while the Max subdivision is 2. This is the one I will use in this tutorial since I have soft shadow (sun).

The output
I usually use even lower than 640 x 480, but for this tutorial I will make it 640x480px

Now for the Indirect Illumination I make my setting high with Ambient Occlusion on. Primary engine is IR, while the Secondary engine is LC.

Irradiance Map setting is shown below.

Light Cache setting has shown below. Subdivision is 1500 ( you can even use 2000). The rest is default.

Here is the render. Actually I don't have to wait for the rendering stage. I normally stop once the LC and IR passes were done.

Step 2: Saving the IR and LC Maps.

In order to save the IR and LC Maps, all you have to do is to scroll down the current map section of IR and LC engines. Click "Save".

Save the current Irradiance Map in the desired folder. Name the map.

Likewise, scroll down the LC engine and look at the current map. Save it. You will also notice that the samples were written together with the size of the map. It is advisable that once you don't need them anymore, erase them to free space to your hard drive.

Save the current Light Cache in the desired folder. Name the map.

Step 3: Reloading the IR and LC saved maps.

This time scroll down again the mode. Go to the Mode section and use the down arrow. This time select "From File". Click the small box on the File and browse the previous saved maps. Below is the screen grab for the IR Map.

Ir map is loaded.

Likewise for the Light Cache, go to the Mode section and use the down arrow. Select "From File". Click the small box on the File section and browse the previous saved maps. Below is the screen grab for the LC Map.

LC map reloaded

Step 4: Re-adjusting the parameters (high quality setting).

Global Switches. Untick the Override materials.

Image Sampler..

Option 1: Adaptive DMC. Increased the Max Subdivision to 32, you can make it up to 99, but I think that is too much. Color Threshold is lowered to 0.003 (this will produce a very smooth rendering. You can make it 0.002 or 0.001 but I think its not necessary. For faster rendering you can even make it to 0.005. Anti-aliasing is enabled. I normally choose Catmull Rom (for me the most sharp AA).

Option 2: You can also use Adaptive Subdivision. Raise between 2-4. But I think this is slower.

Output. You can increase your output now. For this tutorial I will use the Viewport size.

Saved the Visopt if you want. Hit Render...

Here is the render. 

See you in the part 3 of this segment.


  1. Great tutorial sir nomer! very clear and easy to understand

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  2. salamat sir...pasensiya napo sa kakulitan ehehehe..may grass setting po ba kau hinid ko kc matayo setting ehehe salamat

  3. sir nomer i've been following your tutorial for almost 2 years now. i'm frustrated that i can't get the quality i want. so i decided to go back to basic. sir i noticed that the clay material setting and the final render setting is different. my question is do you load in your lc and ir the clay material setting to your final render setting. sir. if yes? is it applicable also in exterior?

    salamat sir

  4. hi darren, the difference between the two setting is this. if you noticed that I did a high IR and LC passes with lower setting with others, and lower output. this is my first step. the idea here is to calculate first the IR and LC passes in high setting. After the calculation, I saved the LC and IR passes. Remember they can be saved.

    Second part is reloading the saved IR and LC passes. This time VRAY will not calculate them anymore, insted it will use the saved map. This time you notice on the second part is i increased the quality and output while using the saved map. This will shorten the rendering time and also i can avail in increasing the samples and lowering noise. If I do everything at the same time, i will run with the following problems; longer rendering and processing time and even jeopardizing VRAY for using lots of memory and then will crash. Remember SU is only 32 bit...

  5. Thank you sir nomer. Sir another question. Paano ko malalaman na tapos na yung LC at IR passes ko. Napansin ko kasi sa jpeg nyo na inistop nyo n yung clay rendering even before it render everything.

    thank you sir nomer. i also register to your SVA forum.hehe

  6. ok be sure you click show calc phase for both IR and LC. when you see it begins to render then that is the time you have to stop.

    1. Hi Sir Nomer, I just dont understand, I already click the show calc phase on IR & LC, do you mean that the time the image shows up to render, thats the time I can stop and save both ir & lc?

  7. Dear Sir,

    Can we use HDRI as Sun while loading IR and LC Map ? Some weird and bright color appear in my render after loading IR & LC map.

    Is it because that i changed my model wall colors ?

    1. nope. in that case you have a new enviroment. when you use HDRI as IBL then you need to calculate. after calcualtion then save in IR anc LC

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i do get what you do by doing this steps, but do you actually get the best quality in the end? i just want to know if it´s the same or is there a downside because of doing this? thank you very much!

  10. Thank you very much for this useful tutorial Nomeradona.
    Obviously you know what you're doing ;) I have a question though :

    After saving the IRMAP and LC, if I change the sun orientation or my Omni vray lights, I have to make a clay render again to get the right light in my final render ?


  11. Thank you for the detailed tutorial.
    I tried to use this trick while having an HDRI file as my "sun" and background.
    For some reason after I loaded the LC and IR files and rendered the image all I got was a black screen.
    Is there anyway to counter this, or is this way of rendering not usable with HDRI?

    thank you


  12. Hi, thank you for your great tutorials!
    I've been using this one (saving and light cache map) for many works and it always worked fine, but now i'm having some problems...
    I don't know if this is the right section to post this..
    the problem is: when i try to render with the saved maps, the result i get is an image which is the 99% in rgb colors while some little spots are well rendered...(it's not easy to describe...)
    I tried to reset the rendering settings and start over ...many times... but nothing changed...the only thing i understood was that the problem seems to be the light cache map, because if i load just the and leave "single frame" option in the light cache settings, the render seems to come out well...the only problem is that it takes forever to complete the render .... have you ever had this problem? I'm sorry to bother you,but i really don't know anybody as good as you in sketchup+vray that can help me out
    If it helps i could send you an image of the render i get to better understand the problem. sorry also for my english...
    thank you in advance


  13. giulia i think this is a bug with your version...

    1. yes, it should be a bug...even though i have this problem in just this model..i also tried to copy the model in a new file ...but nothing changed...i'm afraid there is no solution
      these days i've been googling searching for help and i find this method ( to use one single saved irradiance map to render several scenes of a static model...since i was wrong and actually the map that doesn't work in my model is the irradiance map, i was wondering if i can use this same method for light cache...what do you think? have you ever tried this method?
      thank you!

    2. if i remember there was a discussion at i was lookin but i cant seem find it. I think one of the comment if i still remember deals with autosaving the map. im not sure but it might work.

  14. how does this affect reflections?
    Can you change a material reflectivity and still achieve desired results?

  15. hello sir. i use sketchup 2015 and vray for sketchup 2.0. i did exactly what you say but i cant save IR map. allthough i can save light cache

  16. okay i actually selected another folder and problem solved. my question is, is these saved maps just for this scene or whole 3d model? i mean can i render another scenes with those saved cache files?

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