
Thursday 15 September 2011

Tutorial: Swimming Pool Water using VrayMax

Original post from This tutorial a tutorial how to create Swimming 
Pool Water using vray material

1. Open Material Editor by pressing M on your keyboard. Click on Get Material button, and chouse Vray Material from Materail/Map Browser. Rename material to “swimming pool water”. Set diffuse color to black and reflect using Fallof. See picture below for detail parameter.

wayer vray material 1

2. Hit render, but its result have not look like water.

vray swimming pool water 2

3. Next we need to add water wavelet effect. In maps rollout, click button beside bumb and choose noise. set the parameter like the picture below.

vray water material 3

4. Hit render, now.its have look like water.

vray water material 4

5. Now we will add some blue color effect, so looked more realistic swimming pool water. Click fog color in refraction and set the color like picture below. Set Fog Multiplier to 0.002.

vray water material 5

6. Hit render, and now the water becomes blue.

vray water material 6

7. Now I will do difference setting, change the noise parameter size to 50 and fog multiplier to 0.004, and this is the result (picture below). You can use difference setting that you like.

vray water material 7

This is a Free 3D Tutorial, you can use it for your own personal use. You cannot
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for free), as a part of any collection.

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