
Friday 23 September 2011

Hitting 100,000 page views

I started to put this site on 25th April, 2011. My intention is in a very small way, I could gather all the links, tutorials, resources and visualizers particularly using Vray and Sketchup related stuff. I am deeply moved with the kind of support from everyone. Now after 5 months the page views of this site already hit 100,000 page views far more than my personal website I put few years ago.

Thank you very much. Surely this blog will continue to share, feature and support everyone.




  1. It happens because YOU are simply GREAT!
    Thanks NOMERADONA!

  2. thanks mattia. this is very encouraging.

  3. powerful and informative blog...thank's sir nomer.

  4. Hi sir, I'm a beginner on Scketcup, so I have some problems for manipulating curves, assimetric lines and spheres, could you recommend me tutorials learning how to work with it?

    Sorry, I'm brazilian and my english isn't very good... lol, but I always come here and like very much your blog. Congratulations!

  5. Zernan thanks bro. for your tutorial contribution too. guys like you are really part of this.

  6. @dalton.. hey bro this is easy to correct in sketchUp. on the bottom right corner of your sketchup, you have measurement box. this is where you enter the number of edges of your arc or circles. So if you want to a smoother curve you have to increase the number of sides. so select arc or circle then enter the number. Let me try to do a quick tutorial. But my tutorials wont be here but on my personal blog.

  7. this blog is great, i have learned a lot of things form here. i'm very thankful to u and this blog and also other artists blogs linked from here..thanks alot

  8. shri, this is indeed very encouraging. thanks.
