
Friday 27 April 2012

MTM 2012 Series No.44 Exterior by Randy Lim

Here is our 44th MTM Series for 2012,  again courtesy of upcoming visual artist Randy Lim. Thank you Randy again for this one.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

MTM2012 Series No.43 Exterior by Myren Purification

Here is our 43rd entry for this years Mini-the-Making (MTM) courtesy of Myren Purification...Thanks Myren for this one.

Thursday 19 April 2012

The Making_IWASA Challenge Winner_Virgo Oktaviano

Finally here is "The Making" of our challenge winner, Virgo Oktaviano. Virgo shares his workflow and materials here.. Thank you very much Virgo Oktaviano for this excellent "The making".

Note: Download disable because of posting without acknowledging the author and this site.

MTM Series 2012 No.42_White Kitchen by Bui Nam Cuong

Here is our 42nd entry for our MTM Series 2012. Thanks to Bui Nam Cuong for this one. For those of us who know how difficult to produce nice whites, here is the workflow of Nam Cuong.

Note: Downloading PDF disallowed because of re-posting without  giving proper acknowledgement to the author.

Friday 13 April 2012

MTM Series 2012 No.41_ Goran Glisic's Modern Lounge

Thank you to Goran Glisic for this another excellent MTM

Here is the MTM. Note: SOrry downloading of this MTM PDF was disabled due to some people sharing the MTM to other site without proper acknowledgment to the author and this blogsite.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Making of Iwasa House by Ferry Sugianto

Here is the Making of Iwasa House from our First-runner up from our Iwasa Challenge - Ferry Sugianto. He also provided some of his textures. Thank you and congratulations once again Mr. Ferry Sugianto..."mantab! mantab!"

Copy and download some textures that Ferry used.

The Making. Note: Downloading the MTM has been disabled because of many people posting our mtmS in other site without the consent of SVA nor the author.

Thank You SketchupArtists London Daily

For putting Ernesto Delgado's MTM as your headline on 11 April 2012.

HERE is the MTM Of Ernesto..

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Tutorial: Customizing Carpet by Tyrone Diesca

Here is an excellent carpet tutorial by Tyrone Diesca on how to customize carpet using images..